Monday, February 19, 2018

Old Home Project: Bathroom

Completed the first room. Never took initial pictures of the bathroom because, at the time, I didn't like it. It was small, bright white, and had giant mirrors with big light bulbs around the edges. It didn't look like the other rooms.
In teaching/coaching you got to make do with what you are given...and pre-fab punch out signs are for losers. So, this was my thought process. 

The room was small, but mirrors are supposed to add depth. (You have a lot of time to read between sites.) So...I had depth left to right, but not front to back, nor did I have height. The light bulbs could (hopefully) be mistaken for industrial street signs. 

Found the shower curtain that is a collection of rough art sketches of city buildings, and they were gradually getting higher. This also gave me the missing depth.

The Georgia O'Keefe print is of the "Radiator Building" in New York, the tall print almost reaches the ceiling, so that's my height. I used colors in the print in selecting towels and basic bathroom items.

Guess it's basic, simple, and functional, so you can get in and out for a night on the town?

My Old Home

Last full load, before officially moving into new 'old' house

"This will make due. I mean, it'll only be for 1 1/2 years. No problem!" 

1 1/2 years turned to 10 years. It was 10 years of patience under trial. This is not 1 room. This is my living room, bedroom, dining room, and art studio. Throw in a couch, book shelves, art supplies, canvases, training equipment, a desk, a bed, and a 90 pound bulldog...that was home, for 10 years.

When the opportunity to move into a house came, I jumped, but into what?

From the outside every thing looked neutral. You could have easily drove by and never give it a second glance. I had numerous times. I was the told the house was old. Old as in being forgotten, not discarded. For to be discarded is to forever live other's lower expectations of you. This house might have been old, but like the rest of the old houses that aligned the street, it had the tenacious spunk to remain standing.

Never had the resources to upgrade a house before, so I decided to give it a whirl. I'll post updates.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Details from section (6" x 7") of "Day Stung" watercolor painting, on paper.
I've all ways believed we all have been blessed with something special. We all can't do every thing, but there are some things we can do better than others. Regardless of how natural it might feel, we still need to take the time to develop our talents. Do not compare your journey to others. Do not grow envious. All ways be thankful and awestruck by the endless opportunities.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Falling 360 Degrees: Day One

Falling off the face of the Earth does not mean life becomes even less adventurous. Imagine an art farm filled with small intricate winding tunnels. Now picture a Ruse picking up the ant farm and vigorously shaking the ant farm, caving in all existing tunnels. "It" happens, the bumper sticker assures us. However, Life assures us we have the choice to rebuild, to reinvent, to dig stronger tunnels that leads us towards the surface. This is what I have been doing. Preparing the resources for the next phase of this journey. Valentine's Day will be the official first day.