Monday, February 19, 2018

My Old Home

Last full load, before officially moving into new 'old' house

"This will make due. I mean, it'll only be for 1 1/2 years. No problem!" 

1 1/2 years turned to 10 years. It was 10 years of patience under trial. This is not 1 room. This is my living room, bedroom, dining room, and art studio. Throw in a couch, book shelves, art supplies, canvases, training equipment, a desk, a bed, and a 90 pound bulldog...that was home, for 10 years.

When the opportunity to move into a house came, I jumped, but into what?

From the outside every thing looked neutral. You could have easily drove by and never give it a second glance. I had numerous times. I was the told the house was old. Old as in being forgotten, not discarded. For to be discarded is to forever live other's lower expectations of you. This house might have been old, but like the rest of the old houses that aligned the street, it had the tenacious spunk to remain standing.

Never had the resources to upgrade a house before, so I decided to give it a whirl. I'll post updates.

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